Bring AI Experts Into Any Chat With ChatGPT’s New @-Mention

  1. ChatGPT’s new @ feature allows users to mention custom AI personalities called GPTs within conversations.
  2. This enables a primitive form of teamwork between expert roles without losing chat history.
  3. Users can now swap between GPTs to combine different specialities and perspectives.
  4. While true multi-agent capabilities remain limited, this hints at a future teamwork model for AI services.

ChatGPT recently announced a new feature that allows users to bring in custom AI personalities, called “GPTs”, into conversations by using @ mentions. This opens up new possibilities for collaborating with different expert roles within ChatGPT’s platform.

Previously, sharing information between GPT profiles required manually copying text between chat windows and re-explaining context. The new @ feature eliminates this friction. Users can now pull subject matter experts into an ongoing discussion as needed.

Bring AI Experts Into Any Chat With ChatGPT's New @-Mentions

For example, a Wellness Guide GPT could advise on human health questions. Then with a simple @ Canine Health Advisor mention, users can consult an expert on dog health without losing prior chat history.

The ability to swap GPTs presents a primitive form of teamwork. It is now possible to engage an ad copywriter GPT to draft text, then mention an editor GPT to refine it. Since GPTs have different specialties based on their prompts, they provide diverse perspectives.

ChatGPT Now Allows You To Build An AI Team With Simple @ Mentions

Interestingly, ChatGPT still refers to itself as “I” when different GPTs are speaking. It does not seem to differentiate between personalities. However from the user’s view, this feature represents a step toward conducting complex tasks through the coordination of independent, specialized agents.

While true multi-agent collaboration remains elusive in ChatGPT, OpenAI appears to be slowly building the capability. The @ mention feature hints at a future teamwork model. Only time will tell if agentic coordination comes to this popular AI service. For now, simpler GPT swapping unlocks new creativity and efficiency.

ChatGPT’s expanding capabilities present a pivotal moment for AI’s relationship with humanity. As conversational systems grow more advanced, they elevate from passive tools into collaborative partners. The @ mention feature accelerates this transition.

No longer must we settle for a single, isolated bot. Instead, ChatGPT now allows assembling specialist AI teammates on demand. This shift mirrors the human enterprise, where intricate coordination between experts drives progress. Creative friction arises from diverse viewpoints, sparking innovation.

As AI services emulate this teamwork dynamic, new possibilities emerge. We can consult focused advisors tailored to each situation, combining their outputs for comprehensive solutions. Over time, agent coordination may reach new heights through platforms like ChatGPT.

However, benefits accompany risks. As AI systems cooperate more fluidly, human oversight must keep pace. Without sufficient guardrails, uncontrolled AI collaboration raises concerning possibilities. OpenAI’s gradual rollout indicates their caution here.

In the long run, seamless human-AI partnership depends on cultivating both capabilities and ethics simultaneously. ChatGPT’s latest feature nudges us toward this future, for better or worse. How we guide its evolution today shapes tomorrow’s emerging intelligence landscape.

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