海银财富700亿金融诈骗:傀儡空壳、交叉嵌套 HYWIN WEALTH Finance is Fraud

  1. 海银财富通过数十家空壳公司构筑了一个双层嵌套的700亿元资金池。
  2. 海银财富销售的理财产品大多登记于”伪金交所”,涉嫌非法金融行为。虚构底层资产及原始债务人。
  3. 海银财富爆雷后推出化债方案对投资者进行二次收割。

海银财富 爆雷




伪金交所 非法集资










Haiyin Wealth, a Leading Third-Party Wealth Management Firm, Halts Redemption of Financial Products, Unveiling Deep-Rooted Industry Issues

In mid-December 2023, Haiyin Wealth, a top-three third-party wealth management company, abruptly announced a complete halt to the redemption of its financial products, drawing widespread attention. After more than two months of on-site investigation, reporters from Securities Times uncovered severe issues in Haiyin Wealth’s operational model.

Sales Channel Operations

Haiyin Wealth relies on over 180 offline wealth centers spread across more than 90 cities, amassing over 40,000 high-net-worth individuals. These clients primarily invest through Haiyin Wealth’s financial advisors, with initial investment amounts typically ranging from 300,000 to 1 million yuan, and investment terms spanning from six months to four years. The annualized returns promised range from 7% to 10%. Most of the products are labeled as “debt projects,” indicating that the funds are primarily used for lending, with underlying assets often being “accounts receivable” and other debt assets.

Fundraising Mechanism

Haiyin Wealth employs a typical “fund pool” model for fundraising. Dozens of shell companies appear as independent third parties, receiving investors’ funds into their accounts and forming a complex two-tier nested fund pool. These shell companies generally have registered capital exceeding 100 million yuan, but their paid-in capital is only 10,000 yuan or zero.

The financial products used as fundraising tools are registered and filed through “pseudo financial exchanges.” Reporters found that all 465 financial products sold by Haiyin Wealth were registered on these “pseudo financial exchange” platforms, involving 15 such entities. As early as the end of 2021, relevant regulatory authorities had begun cleaning up these “pseudo financial exchanges,” deeming their “listing, delisting,” and “registration, filing” activities as illegal financial practices.

Investment Discrepancies

The funds’ underlying assets often do not match the claims made in the fundraising prospectus, with most of the funds’ destinations remaining unclear. On-site investigations revealed that the underlying assets were either entirely fabricated, making it impossible to assert rights against the underlying companies, or the contracts and funds with the underlying companies had already been settled, rendering the assets non-existent. In cases of large-scale overfunding, the funds received by the underlying financing parties were far below the fundraising amount, severely limiting the rights that could be asserted against the underlying companies.

For instance, reporters tracked Haiyin Wealth’s “supply chain finance” products and found significant overlap in the creditors and debtors involved in products issued by different issuers. These companies appeared to have independent ownership but were interconnected through shared addresses, phone numbers, and legal representatives. On-site visits revealed that these companies either did not exist or operated from tiny “cubicles” of less than 2 square meters with no staff present.

Real Estate and Government Trust Products

In addition to supply chain finance products, Haiyin Wealth also offered numerous financial products targeting real estate and government trust projects. On-site investigations revealed that these underlying projects were either terminated or entirely fictitious, significantly deviating from the fundraising claims. For example, a JD Logistics base project in Hebei had never raised funds in the market, according to the developer. Another urban renewal project in Guangzhou was terminated around July 2023, with the developer’s whereabouts unknown.

Sustainability and Collapse

Haiyin Wealth has been in the market for 18 years, relying on a “borrow new to repay old” fund pool model. This approach gradually drained the fund pool, covering interest payments to earlier investors, sales commissions to financial advisors, and bad debts from underlying assets, until the model became unsustainable.

Following the complete halt in product redemption, Haiyin Wealth’s actual controller, Han Hongwei, promised to “cover the losses” for investors. However, the proposed debt resolution plan was described by investors as a “second plundering” and was largely rejected. It is reported that Haiyin Wealth has formed a team dedicated to collecting outstanding debts and has hired a third-party auditor, but the audit report has yet to be issued.

Industry Implications

The collapse of Haiyin Wealth highlights deep-seated issues within the current third-party wealth management industry. Firstly, regulatory deficiencies are the root cause of the problem’s escalation. Haiyin Wealth’s long-term use of “pseudo financial exchanges” to register and file illegal financial products, while attracting large-scale funds, exposes regulatory loopholes in overseeing such platforms. Additionally, there are regulatory blind spots in the internal operations and fund flows of third-party wealth companies, allowing unscrupulous individuals to exploit these gaps.

Secondly, investors’ risk awareness and financial literacy need urgent improvement. Haiyin Wealth’s high-yield products largely exploited investors’ greed and excessive trust in financial advisors, leading to numerous “traps.” Investors need to enhance their risk awareness, carefully evaluate returns and risks, and avoid blindly chasing high yields.

Lastly, the industry’s self-regulation mechanisms need further strengthening. As a crucial part of the financial sector, the third-party wealth management industry should establish stricter industry standards and self-regulatory rules to prevent incidents like the “Haiyin incident.” Only through joint efforts from regulators, investors, and the industry itself can such issues be effectively curbed.

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