
1 股价触发交易类强制退市



1.1 证券交易所退市相关规则


  • 在本所仅发行A股股票的上市公司,连续120个交易日通过本所交易系统实现的累计股票成交量低于500万股,或者连续20个交易日的每日股票收盘价均低于1元;
  • 在本所仅发行B股股票的上市公司,连续120个交易日通过本所交易系统实现的累计股票成交量低于100万股,或者连续20个交易日的每日股票收盘价均低于1元;
  • 在本所既发行A股股票又发行B股股票的上市公司,其A、B股股票的成交量或者收盘价同时触及第(一)项和第(二)项规定的标准;
  • 上市公司股东数量连续20个交易日(不含公司首次公开发行股票上市之日起20个交易日)每日均低于2000人;
  • 在本所仅发行A股股票的上市公司或者既发行A股股票又发行B股股票的上市公司连续20个交易日在本所的每日股票收盘总市值均低于5亿元;
  • 在本所仅发行B股股票的上市公司连续20个交易日在本所的每日股票收盘总市值均低于3亿元;
  • 本所认定的其他情形。

1.2 广汇汽车是否恶意退市?



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1.3 广汇汽车股票质押融资触发平仓线





1.4 广汇汽车最新股东户数


1.5 广汇汽车股权质押、境外债情况



广汇汽车 9.109% 永续债

1.6 广汇汽车退市对散户、公司债务影响




1.7 广汇集团、广汇系背景


1.8 控股股东正在筹划公司控制权变更事宜

广汇汽车于7月10日发布《关于筹划控制权变更的提示性公告》,新疆金正新材料科技有限公司承诺在2024年7月20日前支付1亿元意向金。截至 2024 年 6 月 29 日,广汇集团持有广汇汽车股份总数为 2,690,910,010 股,占广汇汽车总股本32.46%。广汇集团持有广汇汽车股份累计质押数量为 1,898,497,198 股,占其持股数量的比例为 70.55%,占公司总股本比例为22.90%。


广汇汽车日前发布业绩预告: 2024 年半年度归属于上市公司股东的净利润为-69,918万元到-58,265万元。

2 恒大与广汇的渊源

2.1 股权穿透后的恒大踪影


2.2 恒大汽车与广汇汽车




2.3 恒大以广汇股权抵债

公开信息提到,盛京银行向恒大追债326亿 望通过拍卖所持广汇集团股份偿还。

2.4 恒大持有广汇股权全部流拍


3 佳兆业抵债最新进展、清盘聆讯及慈父救儿

3.1 佳兆业高管入职广汇汽车



3.2 可能是清盘聆讯最后一次延期


Kaisa narrowly avoids liquidation order but receives a stern warning from Hong Kong judge

A Hong Kong judge has issued a stern warning to defaulting Chinese property developer Kaisa, indicating that the company could face liquidation if it fails to make significant progress on its offshore debt restructuring plan.

The case has been postponed to August 12 after a lawyer representing Citicorp International, the trustee for a major group of bondholders behind the liquidation petition, consented to the company’s request for an additional extension.

However, Judge Peter Ng cautioned that the company would “have no excuse” for any lack of progress in its offshore debt restructuring efforts. Ng expressed uncertainty about whether another extension would be granted at the next hearing.

3.3 佳兆业债务重组最新进展

谭礼宁 TAM LL 在最新股东周年大会指出佳兆业债务重组方案已与各相关方协商得“差不多”,对债务重组表现乐观。

Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd., is currently navigating through a critical phase of its debt restructuring process. Facing a winding-up petition from the court, the company is making concerted efforts to address the concerns of both the stock exchange and its creditors.

In response to the recent ultimatum issued by the court, Kaisa has reiterated its commitment to preserving its status as a listed company. The management team is actively engaged in discussions with various stakeholders to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. These efforts underscore the company’s dedication to maintaining its listing status and ensuring long-term stability.

Kaisa acknowledges the importance of its listing on the stock exchange and is taking all necessary steps to comply with regulatory requirements. The company is working diligently to formulate a comprehensive debt restructuring plan that aligns with the interests of all parties involved. While specific details of the ongoing negotiations cannot be disclosed at this time, Kaisa assures its stakeholders that significant progress is being made.

The company is in continuous dialogue with its creditors, aiming to secure their support for the proposed restructuring plan. Kaisa’s management is confident that a collaborative approach will yield positive outcomes, ultimately benefiting both the company and its creditors. The company is also coordinating closely with legal and financial advisors to navigate the complexities of the restructuring process.

The company appreciates the patience and understanding of its stakeholders during this challenging period. Kaisa’s primary focus is to achieve a resolution that ensures the company’s financial health and preserves its value for shareholders.

Kaisa’s key advantage lies in its urban renewal projects, which require a high level of professional expertise to manage effectively. Maintaining Kaisa’s listing status is evidently the best choice for creditors, as it ensures that these valuable assets are handled by a capable and experienced team.

In conclusion, Kaisa Group Holdings Ltd. is actively working towards a resolution of its debt issues, with a strong emphasis on maintaining its listing status and fostering positive relationships with its creditors. The company is confident that its ongoing efforts will lead to a successful restructuring and a stable future.

3.4 郭英成十年后再度踏足内地



3.5 锦恒财富最新兑付方案:广汇汽车股票抵债


In September 2017, a consortium of nine major financial institutions led by China International Capital Corporation Limited provided a loan of approximately HKD 5.81 billion to Rui Tai Group Holdings Limited and Huge Auto Investment Holdings Limited. As of December 2020, the outstanding principal balance of this loan was approximately HKD 2.93 billion.

Subsequently, seven institutions within the consortium (accounting for approximately 86.4% of the loan) transferred their held debt rights to Da Rong Limited Company at a total consideration of approximately HKD 2.62 billion, making Da Rong Limited Company the holder of this 86.4% debt right. Da Rong Limited Company (BVI) is currently the largest holder of this debt right with a stakeholding ratio of 86.4%. The cumulative amount including principal, interest, and penalty interest for this 86.4% debt right is approximately HKD 3.94 billion.

Rui Tai Group Holdings Limited and Huge Auto Investment Holdings Limited hold around1 .622 billion shares in 广汇汽车, which serves as one collateral for this debt right.


3.6 佳兆业境外债券

佳兆业集团 11.25% N20250416

佳兆业集团 11.7% N20251111

佳兆业集团 9.95% N20250723

佳兆业集团 10.5% N20250115

佳兆业集团 10.875% 永续债

佳兆业集团 11.65% N20260601


4 GrandAuto, Evergrande, Kaisa: Stock and Bond Delisting Amid Real Estate Debt Crisis

本文整理已公开信息不构成对相关上市公司证券作出任何投资建议。The content compiles publicly available information and does not constitute any investment advice on the stocks or bonds of relevant listed companies.


Last edited: 2024-8-5

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